Category: Squirting Orgasm

How to Make Your Wife Squirt

What’s sexier than experiencing your wife completely losing herself in the moment during sex? Not much but you can take her orgasm to the next level with squirting. If you haven’t seen it, squirting it when a woman is vaginally stimulated during sex and ejaculates an amount of fluid during orgasm. Sexologists and researches haven’t come to any clear conclusions about it but most people know that it’s great. It’s an added layer of pleasure for you and your wife. Though it may seem complicated, it’s actually pretty easy once you get the technique down. Here are a few guidelines to get her juiced up:


  1. Make sure she’s comfortable. The best way to achieve a squirting orgasm is to have her lie on her back. You’ll also want to make sure she’s aware of what you want to achieve.
  2. Turn her on. Depending on your relationship, sex can sometimes get routine. Try spicing things up with a full body massage or a video.
  3. Lube up. If she’s not naturally wet but ready to go, use some lube. It’s part of the comfort step.
  4. Give her the finger. This step is up to whether you have found her g-spot or not. If you have, you can skip it or do it just for fun. If you haven’t, you’re looking for a spot about two knuckles deep on the front wall of her vaginal canal. It will feel distinctly different from any other spot inside her. Use your finger to make a “come here” motion against her g-spot.
  5. Increase the pressure. No two women are alike but the g-spot typically requires consistent and firm pressure. So you’ll want to start sliding your finger in and out and increasing the pressure to the g-spot. If she’s into it, you can add another finger or slide in yourself.
  6. Be patient. In videos, women squirt pretty quickly. However, that is not the reality for all women. Sometimes is can take up to 30 minutes for a vaginal orgasm. Enjoy the ride.
  7. She may tell you she has to pee. This is absolutely normal. The sensation that leads to a woman squirting can often feel like she’s about to urinate. Squirting is not pee. Reassure her to relax and let it flow.


There it is. All you need to know to make your wife squirt. If you’re having trouble try again and increase your pressure or massage her clit to heighten her arousal. Remember, she’s learning too and the journey is most of the fun anyway.

Can Anyone Make A Woman Squirt?


Can Anyone Make A Woman Squirt?

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Squirting has become a hot topic of conversation lately and with good cause. It’s incredibly sexy to watch a woman gush as she loses herself in an orgasm. So now you want to know if it’s possible for anyone to bring a woman to her knees like that. The short answer is yes. You don’t have to be a well hung porn star to make it happen either. All you need is patience, confidence, and a little knowledge about the woman’s body.

Confident And Comfortable

You’ve got to be confident enough to have a conversation with her about what you intend to do. See, she might feel a little apprehensive about letting loose in this way. You’ll need to reassure her that you find her and squirting really sexy and that you’re excited about what is about to happen. If she mentions concern about your sheets, couch, whatever lay some towels down. Give her every reason to feel comfortable about what is about to happen. Position also matters at this point. You’ll want her to be lying comfortably on her back.

Turn On And Lube Up

Once she’s feeling great move on to foreplay. This is a pretty crucial step as you want to make sure she’s turned on and getting wet. Take your time and explore her body. It’ll help her relax and get her ready for penetration. Keep lube close in case she’s having trouble getting wet on her own. Unless she requests it, do not enter her without lubrication.

Stimulate The G-spot

Oh yeah, the g-spot definitely exists. It’s the major player in how squirting works. You’ll want to make sure you can find it with your finger first. So while she’s on her back insert one finger about two knuckles deep and scan the front of her vaginal wall using a “come here” motion. You should one area that feels different and inflamed. Apply pressure to that spot by sliding your finger back and forth. The g-spot needs a significant amount of pressure repeatedly so you’ll want to increase the pressure slowly over time.

That’s really all there is to it. If she’s cool with another finger, add it. If she wants to feel you inside her, go for it and hit that spot. If you’re having trouble with either of those methods try using a toy specifically made to stimulate the g-spot. In any case, be patient. Some women can take up to 30 minutes to orgasm. You can help her along by rubbing her clit. Most importantly, make sure she’s relaxed. A tense body will inhibit squirting. Have fun!

To learn more about making your woman squirt head over to

3 Tips To Make A Woman Squirt For The First Time


3 Tips To Make A Woman Squirt For The First Time

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Squirting can be a fun experience for you and your partner, and if you’re looking to give a woman a squirting orgasm for the first time, there are a few tips that can make the experience a positive and successful one for you both. Squirting is something that nearly every woman can do, whether she is aware of the talent or not, and it accompanies one of the most intense and memorable orgasms a woman can experience. 3 tips to make a woman squirt for the first time are:

1. Take it slow and make it relaxed – An orgasm is a near impossibility when a woman is stressed or uncomfortable, and this rings especially true for a squirting orgasm. To prepare, make sure she’s relaxed, there are open communication lines in place, and she knows that both of you want the final result of the squirt. If she has never felt Skene Gland stimulation before, the sensation may be new and strange to her, so listen to her vocal and body cues to determine how fast, slow, hard, or soft the stimulation should be.

2. Use fingers first – There are a ton of toys on the market that focus on G spot and Skene Gland stimulation as a priority, but these may not be your best bet until you learn just what sort of stimulation she likes, and where to stimulate. To learn, first use your fingers to find the G spot, and figure out how she prefers her stimulation. Once you learn, you can incorporate toys that mimic and add to these preferred sensations, and this will bring entirely new experiences to each squirting orgasm.

3. Don’t get discouraged – Making a woman squirt for the first time can be a little stressful and a bit of a learning experience even when all preparations are taken care of, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t get it on your first try. She will need to learn just what sort of stimulation her Skene Gland requires, and you will need to learn how to provide it, and this can take some pretty exciting trial and error. While in the process of experimenting with the Skene Gland, let her know that you’re simply having a good time trying, and that there’s no pressure for her to bring the big show right away.

To learn more about making your woman squirt head over to

How To Make Any Woman Squirt


How To Make Any Woman Squirt

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Chances are you’ve watched a pornographic video or have seen an image of a woman excreting a stream of liquid vaginally at the supposed point of her climax or “squirting”. This phenomena has gained both traction is the pornography circuit as well as controversy from a scientific standpoint. All you really need to know is that any woman is capable of squirting and the fluid actually comes from the female prostate the same way male ejaculate does. If you’d like to experience this with your partner here are the best ways to make any woman squirt:

Make her feel comfortable. Although any woman if capable of squirting some women do not. There are many reasons why that could be but the most likely is that she doesn’t feel comfortable doing it. There is a lot of misinformation out there and she may have come to believe that the fluids she releases are something to feel embarrassed about. In these cases instead of relaxing her pelvic muscles she may clench them tighter to inhibit the secretion of fluids. Let her know ahead of time that you find the process sexy.

Be prepared. Once she feels reassured and is in a comfortable position lying on her back start by massaging her pussy in preparation for penetration. You’ll want to make sure she’s wet before any kind of insertion. If this can’t be achieved naturally grab some lube.

Stimulate her G spot. Squirting occurs when the G spot is stimulated and signals excretion from the prostate gland. The best way to locate and massage the G spot is to insert one finger and make the “come here” motion against her upper vaginal wall. You should notice an area there that feels different from the rest of the vaginal canal. It should feel like it’s rippling and is slightly swollen. That’s your area of concentration. Be patient and start with light strokes allowing the pressure to build.

Throughout the experience make sure you’re checking in with her and listening to the cues her body is giving you. Don’t be afraid to ask her how she’s feeling and let her know that you are also enjoying the experience. Ultimately, a woman’s ability to squirt and the amount of fluid she releases depends on how sensitive her G spot is so don’t be discouraged if it takes a little longer than expected.

Thanks for watching!  Hit the subscribe button now so you don’t miss any new videos and checkout my site for a technique that’ll have your woman squirting like a fountain tonight!

Can Every Woman Really Have A Squirting Orgasm?


Can Every Woman Squirt?

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Squirting is a form of female ejaculation and though associated with orgasms, is very different. Squirting is the result of G Spot stimulation and can be a very exciting and pleasurable response to sexual arousal for both partners.

All women can squirt with a little practice and patience. In order to squirt, you need to find your G Spot. The G Spot is located about 2 inches in from the opening on the vagina along the front of the upper area of the vagina. The best way to find the G Spot is with your sensitive fingertips.

Start by making sure you are sexually aroused, because the G Spot swells during sexual arousal. Then feel along the area with your fingers. You will be looking for an area that feels a little rougher, more ridged, or thicker than the other vaginal tissue.

Once you’ve found the G Spot then stimulate the area by massaging with the tips of your fingers or a G Spot vibrator. During stimulation of the G Spot your Skene’s gland, which is a lot like the male prostate will begin to absorb vaginal fluids.

Since the Skene’s gland is right near the bladder, when you are ready to squirt it may feel similar to having to urinate which may seem a little uncomfortable. However, part of the ability to squirt is recognizing the difference between the need to urinate and the feeling of squirting. So you will have to relax and just go for it.

It may take a few times to really understand how your body works, but once you squirt for the first time, you will be able to do it again.

Take your time and explore your G Spot and eventually you too can learn how to squirt from stimulation.

To learn more about making your woman squirt head over to

The Truth About Squirting (aka Female Ejaculation) – Are Women Peeing During Sex?

truth-about-squirtingYou’ve seen it. I’ve seen it (in person). We’ve all seen it. A woman squirting copious amounts of fluid, screaming in ecstasy, and having an orgasm all at the same time. I’m talking about the squirting orgasm.

Unfortunately, for the general population, squirting is most often only witnessed in porn movies. Not exactly the most reliable source. These porn movies lead to many questions. Is what I’m seeing real? Is it pee? Is this woman really having an orgasm so intense that she can’t control herself and involuntarily squirts some sort of fluid all over the place?

The answer is, well, yes and no.

Yes, squirting is real. Yes, female ejaculation is real, but what you are witnessing in porn is sometimes not real.

You have to remember that porn is for entertainment ONLY and porn producers want everything to be over the top, so sometimes they fake the squirting. With that being said, some porn actresses do actually squirt during a shoot. They are just few and far between.

When it comes to real life, yes, squirting is very real, and all women are capable of learning how to have a squirting orgasm.

When it happens, some women will shoot the squirting fluid out of the urethra with great force, and for others it will just dribble out. It just depends on the woman. Women can also have multiple squirting orgasms per sex session.

Not a lot is known about the reason behind why female ejaculation or squirting occurs, but it is a VERY enjoyable experience for the woman and, heck, if we’re all honest, it’s quite an ego boost for us guys too.

What we do know about squirting is that it is not urine. The fluid has a different chemical makeup. The fluid (or squirting fluid) contains something called PSA, or prostatic-specific antigen. This is something that male semen has in it as well, but is not found in urine.

As in males, the PSA fluid in females comes from the prostate. In women this is called the Skene’s gland.

During sexual activity, usually involving stimulation of the G-spot, the Skene’s gland produces the female ejaculate, and as stimulation continues, the fluid builds up and it is eventually expelled out of the urethra.

Remember, even though it comes out of the urethra it is not pee. It has a different consistency, color, smell, and taste than urine (it actually has a bit of a sweet taste), and women who are squirters know it has a much different feeling than urinating.

Usually the squirting event is accompanied by a very powerful female orgasm, although it is possible for a woman to squirt without having an orgasm, but even this is reported to feel good. If this is the case for you or your partner it’s very simple to learn how to make both the squirting event and the orgasm happen at the same time. (It’s something I learned in a video course called, The Female Orgasm Blueprint.)

Recently, squirting has been thrown into the limelight because of a questionable study (involving ONLY seven women) that showed during sexual stimulation a woman’s empty bladder will rapidly fill with fluid that is subsequently squirted out. The media took this opportunity to write hundreds of click-bait articles claiming that women are now peeing during sex. This is just a flat-out lie, 100% inaccurate and very irresponsible journalism.

A brief explanation of the study is this. All seven women (who already knew how to squirt) who participated in the study started with an empty bladder. During sexual stimulation the bladder began filling with fluid. After the fluid was expelled (squirted out through the urethra) it was then analyzed, and the scientists found that it was made up of mostly water and PSA from the Skene’s gland (female prostate). (The fluid also contained trace elements of other water-soluble chemicals: urea, creatinine, and uric acid.)

The media subsequently started spreading lies that women are now peeing during sex, all because the fluid that was squirted came from the bladder. They totally ignored the fact that the fluid contained PSA.

Not to mention, the study didn’t actually claim that the fluid the women were squirting was urine. This was just the media twisting words. In fact, if anything the study proved that the fluid is NOT urine because they found it contains prostatic-specific antigen, something urine does not have.

The media’s way of reporting this study is just another example of “if it bleeds then it leads” type of click bait, twisting the truth type of reporting.

In the end, it truly doesn’t matter one bit what the fluid that squirts out is. It’s happening for some reason during sex and it feels damn good to the woman, so who cares what the fluid is?

How Do I Make A Woman Squirt | Great Tips From The Pro

Getting your woman to squirt the first time isn’t always super easy, but with the latest video by Squirt Bible you should be well on your way to having your woman soaking the sheets in no time.  After you’re done with this video on squirting make sure and check out the 3 rules to follow video, it’s also very helpful when you’re trying to get your woman to gush for the first time.

How To Give A Woman A G-Spot Squirting Orgasm

There are several different methods a couple can try if they want to master G spot squirting techniques, and what works with one woman may not do the trick for another. Because each woman is different, each will want to be stimulated just a bit differently, and this is something that should be kept in mind when building your G spot squirting techniques repertoire. A few different techniques that every person interested in female squirting orgasms should master are:

Finding The Best Squirting Orgasm Technique

When you doing research on the best squirting orgasm techniques, you’ll want to keep in mind that getting your woman the fun is in the journey as much as it is in the end game of a squirting orgasm. Some techniques may work for you and your woman while others may not works as well. The important thing is that you never give up. Check out the video below for my advice on finding the best techniques to get your woman to squirt.